Tuesday, June 10, 2008

End of term 1 – 12.5% MBAs and Celebrating !!

It was a scene worth watching in the cafeteria today. Why not? It was end of term I and more importantly the examinations – Uffff….. The marathon assignments in between our exams didn’t let us sleep for more than 2-3 hours a day for the last 2 weeks. It was a sigh of relief when the clock stuck 4 today. The campus just sounded like a primary school after the final exams. Some people left on a 5 day long vacation, a few for a Pondicherry trip, Some of em going back home, some lucky ones have their spouse coming in to visit them. Oh my God! - That is all I can say. May be they all have to be reminded that the madness has just begun and we are yet to jump into the fire!!

We have an illusionary holiday tomorrow. With a guest lecture on schedule, a couple of assignments, submission of project report, documentation of one subject etc due for the day after, what else would you call it. Half the crowd has left for a movie, half of the remaining are out pubbing, another half of the remaining are out on adventurous freak outs, and the remaining if any decided to cool their heels at home. Needless to say that I am one of them or may be the only one. My to do list of 40+ certainly demanded my ‘undivided attention’, another favorite phrase of mine.

With a strong resolve of not to study for the day and tomorrow, come what may, I have decided that my blog needs its feed. While I lay my hands on Paulo Coelho’s, ‘Brida’, and my messy is room craving to be in place and my heart’s aching for some beer and sleep, I’d sign off only to come back with a bang.

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